The following text was sent in response to just one expats conversation with another; however, it could have been directed to others who use this forum for their own, personal enjoyment, most of which is often not of any interest or value to those of us who are here to gain access to information that is important for us in relocating to or discovering more about the Ph. I submit this message, not to slander or slur or minimize the value that certain kinds of personal conversations have for some other expats but only to acknowledge that there are those of us (not me alone) who find many thoughts to be offensive and insulting rather than informative. Now, I may be wrong in assuming that the purpose of this platform exchange is to be used for any reason other than to talk about life as it is in the Philippines. If I am wrong or mistaken about the appropriateness of content at this site, then I should be informed of this and, therefore, I will act, accordingly, to withdraw from further accessing this site. Anyway, here is the text sent to "one" person.
"The only reason that I chose to visit/use the Ph forum was to receive/exchange useful information/advice as it applies, specifically, to me preparing to relocate to the Ph. However, I have found this site to be mostly made of of individuals interested only with chatting with each other on topics other than those related to the sharing of helpful information as it applies to the Ph.. The useless and boring dialogues/conversations that you and your friends are having on almost a daily basis suggests to me that you are not so much interested or even conscious of the need that others (unlike yourselves) have for visiting this platform. So my recommendation for you and you playmates is that you either cease and steer away from your current rhetoric at this site or establish your own platform, somewhere else or restrict your conversations and comments through a more private and personal channel so that those of us, who care not about political, bias or savagely slanted thoughts, can use this forum for the purpose for which it was intended or set up to serve".
"The only reason that I chose to visit/use the Ph forum was to receive/exchange useful information/advice as it applies, specifically, to me preparing to relocate to the Ph. However, I have found this site to be mostly made of of individuals interested only with chatting with each other on topics other than those related to the sharing of helpful information as it applies to the Ph.. The useless and boring dialogues/conversations that you and your friends are having on almost a daily basis suggests to me that you are not so much interested or even conscious of the need that others (unlike yourselves) have for visiting this platform. So my recommendation for you and you playmates is that you either cease and steer away from your current rhetoric at this site or establish your own platform, somewhere else or restrict your conversations and comments through a more private and personal channel so that those of us, who care not about political, bias or savagely slanted thoughts, can use this forum for the purpose for which it was intended or set up to serve".