Anyone here renewed their 10 year us passport recently? Mine didn't expire until June 5 ,2022 (exactly 10 years)but because of the snail mail and slow processing going on, I decided to renew it a year early.Took 7 months for me to get my Philippines alien registration card so I decided to do this early.,I sent my passport renewal in just a few weeks ago and I got it today via Air 21. They told me it would take 6-8 weeks. My expiration is o5 June 2022 but the new one I just got expires May 19, 2032, so they cut me 3 weeks. Its not a big difference but I thought it was supposed to be the exact date when they 1st issued it to me but 10 years later.JIMMY(Pic share was in Beijin about 10 years .Chinese Monks are interesting people to meet and talk with.