Who think December 31 2019 leaving Phils I need take original birthcertificate of the kids in case a covid pandemic would happen for a 9a visa ... I just love our little bahay our 1200sqm brought over five years 8 pig stys a garage 2 kubo .. No running water or sewer amazing what you don't really need .Just power and gas for stove .So miss walking over the highway 10 minutes I'm walking through rice fields can walk to beach can see the ocean on top of our garage .. so many islands around northern samar . My kids speak waray that a thing I have to learn better so miss goin bakery in morning having my kape .No ATM's . JUST hopeing may April easy to fly back so many 22 hour bus rides manila to catarman love the ferry ride matnog to Allen.. The only negative I have on philippines is wish it wasn't the norm to drop rubbish malabaroc beach they cleaned it up put a shelter with 3 bins like one for bottles rubbish and tins .. but the beach just goes back to crap on it .. Just missing my family doon