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Moving to Moscow

22 years ago
I am a single gentleman begining negociations with Russian firms in Moscow, and I need advice on many subjects:
1. What sort of "executive package" to ask for with regard to living in Moscow, such as apartment, translator, car, language teacher, bodyguard ?
2. How do saleries for US Expats compare with US ?
3. Should I expect European vacation times, ie. about 6 wks per yr?
4. How much value is a contract of employment, and what essential features should it contain (and not contail) ?
5. What banking and legal arrangements should I make on arrival?
6. What main pitfalls should I watch out for, and how best should they be avoided?
7. Any recommendations for making good contacts on arrival?
Anyone who could help with information on any or all of these questions would be sure of my heartfelt gratitude.
Yours sincerely,
Charles E Hirsch - "[email protected]"

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