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Don't GO.. revise your LIFE INSURANCE PLAN

21 years ago
Hi there,

I have seen first hand the hell of Saudi Arabia.. Being there this past summer for a few weeks, I saw the politics of being a foreigner in this country.. Even though I am a Canadian, I am a Muslim as well.. I was treated like crap and I saw women at malls getting yelled at by Muttawah' for having their veils on "incorectly".. what BS.

Seeing hospital conditions first hand this past August.. wow, they aren't the best in the world and I dont know how much respect you would get, let alone the intimidation you will feel.. Trust me from one North American citizen to another..Dont go..

From first hand experience, if anything ever happens to you overthere.. YOU ARE NOTHING.. The US or Canadian Embassies cant really do a damn thing for you, especially when dealing with legal issues(since they cant get involved in anything legal)..

If you do go, you better make sure you have a hell of an insurance plan... meaning life insurance.. if anything happens to you, at least your family will be able to claim something if god forbid you pass away...
This exact thing happened to my family.. A member of my family was killed in Riyadh due to a car accident and the Saudi officials tried to pin the blame on the Canadian citizen because they were afraid of insurance coming after the Saudi who caused the accident... the bastards stick together and hang you to dry.. they tampered with the police reports and no one could help us.. It was a nightmare. we are Canadians and we relied on the CDN embassy to help us, and they 'couldnt'.. we knew people in the USA embassy and the US Intelligence working there, but they couldnt do a damn thing..

If you have any questions...feel free to contact me.. please dont make the mistake of moving there. It is hell on earth... the life there is dull and will drain you out(even if you live in a compound).. ([email protected])


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