After several visits and falling in love with Scotland (pretty sure I was before I ever visited) My husband and I have started to seriously consider moving from the US, likely the Aberdeen area. We have 3 children between us my oldest is 20 with a child of her own. The other 2 would still be in school. I currently work as a Paramedic and he is a certified welder and Deisel Technician. I relaize I would have to apply to the HCPC to be recognized as a Paramedic there and have several sources who have done the process to assist me. The husband meets many of the requirements for jobs in his field and there are more job opportunities for his skills than mine. My concern is he has a criminal record from 10 years ago, nothing violent and he actually took the plea becaue he couldn't afford a lawyer to fight (and he was a scared 19 year old) Would he (we be denied becaue of his record) if not do we apply for jobs first or after applying for a Visa. I've read the Visa website and feel like I would have to convince a job to hire us and then hope we can get visas. What about my adult child can she and her child come live with us? We would also have over 40,000$ in savings after selling our properties. It's exciting and overwhelming at the same time, so any thought suggestions and insigt, things I should alo consider are very welcome.