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Buying property to let in Southern Spain

22 years ago
We are considering selling our property and moving to spain from the UK . We have a son of 13 and daughter of 8. We would like to know if it would be feasible to buy a property to live in and other properties to rent to provide an income. I'm not entirely sure how much we would need, but we would also need to cover school costs. If so which areas would be best to look at to enable us to achieve a good year round income. After the sale of our property we would have approx £200,000. So we would possibly not need a mortgage. Has anybody actually done this and can offer us some advice. We are considering this move to gain a better quality of life and although we would prefer to just manage the rented properties, we could work part time. I am a qualified teacher and could teach if it became necessary. My husband works in aviation.


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