I am due to retire in less than a year. I plan on traveling, and possibly staying in different locations for up to a month or more at a time. Spain is on my list of places to visit. That being said: Can someone tell me in general how likely it is to travel on a budget as far as hotels, apartahotels, local cuisine, etc... ? I realize, some places are cheaper than others, but I'm just trying to get a ballpark daily budget. I don't require fancy hotels, and tend to be drawn to the smaller basic places that are clean and safe. I speak pretty good Spanish and would prefer to stay off the beaten track and away from larger cities. That might serve to lower costs a little, right? I'm guessing that someone out there might be asking what that daily budget is---so lets say $50-$75 usd for starters. Is that reasonable, or laughable? Thanks in advance for any responses.