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are there associations for Asians in Sweden?

21 years ago
Having moved to Sweden recently, I am have been baffled at the lack of information about Asian or other foriegn communities in Sweden apart from the Australians, Canadians and Americans who have clubs and websites.

Any one here has any interesting info? I've started a website and discussion group for all foreigners to Scandinavia ---


please feel free to come in a say hello.

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Living in Sweden GuideLiving in Sweden Guide

Expats living in Sweden appreciate the kind, calm Swedish people, enjoy outdoor-life in Sweden and can join numerous clubs for expats. Taxes, the high cost of living and difficulty learning Swedish are among the challenges they discuss.

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Best Places to Live in Sweden Best Places to Live in Sweden

If you're dreaming about living in Sweden, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in Sweden in 2023.

Healthcare in SwedenHealthcare in Sweden

Sweden's healthcare system is primarily public, but private healthcare and insurance does exist and are used by expats. This article provides expats with an overview of the healthcare system, how to handle medical emergencies, prescription medications, hospitals in Sweden and more.

Cost of Living in SwedenCost of Living in Sweden

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Sweden.

Moving to SwedenMoving to Sweden Guide

Our guide to Moving to Sweden offers tips from expats in Sweden about housing, healthcare in Sweden, making friends, best places to live and more.

Real Estate in SwedenReal Estate in Sweden

Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Sweden.

Pros Cons of Living in SwedenPros & Cons of Living in Sweden

Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Sweden.

Retiring in SwedenRetiring in Sweden

Advice for people retiring in Sweden.

10 Tips for Living in Sweden10 Tips for Living in Sweden

If you've recently arrived in Sweden, here are 10 tips for digital nomads living in Sweden.

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