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Possible move to Basel

21 years ago
Hi, I'm a Brit currently living in Singapore but am applying for a pharms job in Basel.

Some basic questions if anyone can spare 5 mins ?

-what's the dominant language in Basel ?
- how widespread is English ?
- is there a big expat scene ?
- are there any expat football teams ?
- what is the cost of property rental and how does it companre to the rest of CH ?
-if my British girlfriend wants to study there can she get a dependancy pass or a student pass (she would be studying for the accountancy ACCA)
- how realistic is it to live in France and commute to Basel - what's the tax implications of this - is the traffic bad at the border ?
- is Basel safe ?
- where's the neartest skiing ?
- what's the year round weather like ?
- I'm a big pool player - are there any pool halls or any bars with tables ?
- what's the bars and nightlife like ?
- are there any web sites for info on Basel ?

Hope someone can help - appreciate it


William Russell
William Russell

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William Russell

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