Dear all,
I'm a relocation service provider operating in the Amsterdam area. At the moment, I'm preparing all kinds of information for expatriates to be posted on our website. I have over a dozen years of experience in supporting expats here, I would certainly know what to advise people coming here, though I'd like to hear from those who actually went through it all themselves and succeeded.
Could you please tell me what in particular made your relocation to the Netherlands a successful one? Was there something you did differently that made it easier for you to get adjusted here? Was it special preparations you did or joining a certain network?
Most of all, I'd like to know what you can do pro-actively to make sure life in the Netherlands will be more enjoyable.
You can respond to this post, otherwise send an email to [email protected] . In the information on our website, we will only mention your first name and nationality, please let me know if you wouldn't want either mentioned, in which case you will remain totally anonymous.
I'm very much looking forward to your responses.
Thanks in advance,
Bob Kardolus
Pruski Relocation Services
I'm a relocation service provider operating in the Amsterdam area. At the moment, I'm preparing all kinds of information for expatriates to be posted on our website. I have over a dozen years of experience in supporting expats here, I would certainly know what to advise people coming here, though I'd like to hear from those who actually went through it all themselves and succeeded.
Could you please tell me what in particular made your relocation to the Netherlands a successful one? Was there something you did differently that made it easier for you to get adjusted here? Was it special preparations you did or joining a certain network?
Most of all, I'd like to know what you can do pro-actively to make sure life in the Netherlands will be more enjoyable.
You can respond to this post, otherwise send an email to [email protected] . In the information on our website, we will only mention your first name and nationality, please let me know if you wouldn't want either mentioned, in which case you will remain totally anonymous.
I'm very much looking forward to your responses.
Thanks in advance,
Bob Kardolus
Pruski Relocation Services