Hello all, I'm trying to quickly discover the best strategy to get into Netherlands, Germany, etc. as I understand a US citizen now only needs a one-way airline ticket IF they apply for residency or find a job {in Germany}within 90 days. But that raises more questions: What if one doesn't find a job within that 90 days or somehow fails to obtain residency (didn't have the required bank account sum, nor the required medical insurance, etc.) - Can someone simply leave Germany then go to a different EU country then come back to Germany and try again? Or, if I fly into Germany with a [round-trip, as to not officially 'date-stamp' my Germany entrance date] can I visit a different country - then - come to Germany a bit later and re-start the process? Do you only get one shot at residency in most/all EU Countries? Can someone please offer any recent advice or comments? Thank you!