I m Spanish(Therefor EU citizen) and I m planing to move to Holland. My history is the next:
I have a dutch girlfriend and we been many years together. I have a Medium degree on machining which allows me to operate any machine on the sector. The fact is that I want to move to the NL, to Groningen. However I unknown if theres jobs on this sector and how are they pay, as well as the living quality. I have a friend working with the same title here in Guipuzkoa(North of Spain) earning almost 2000€ a moth. I being reading information about immigrating to the NL and what I read scared me, and opinions where contradicting so I come here looking for valid information.
My questions will be:
What wil be the requirement I will need for living there?
What will be the normal salary within this sector?
I speak Spanish, English and Basque, will I be ok with that?(Read somewhere i HAVE to learn dutch).
Thank you very much.
I m Spanish(Therefor EU citizen) and I m planing to move to Holland. My history is the next:
I have a dutch girlfriend and we been many years together. I have a Medium degree on machining which allows me to operate any machine on the sector. The fact is that I want to move to the NL, to Groningen. However I unknown if theres jobs on this sector and how are they pay, as well as the living quality. I have a friend working with the same title here in Guipuzkoa(North of Spain) earning almost 2000€ a moth. I being reading information about immigrating to the NL and what I read scared me, and opinions where contradicting so I come here looking for valid information.
My questions will be:
What wil be the requirement I will need for living there?
What will be the normal salary within this sector?
I speak Spanish, English and Basque, will I be ok with that?(Read somewhere i HAVE to learn dutch).
Thank you very much.