I am a professor of geography at Queens University in Canada and I am writing to invite any Canadians in this forum to participate in a study that I am currently conducting on the contribution of Canadians to the changing economies and societies of the Caribbean. I am particularly interested in knowing more about the size and composition of the Canadian community in the Caribbean, the social and economic networks that Canadians have developed in the Caribbean region and the challenges and opportunities that life in the Caribbean presents.
All information that you share with me will be confidential and only accessible to the research team here at Queens University. Participants who complete surveys will be automatically assigned an internal number. You will not be able to be identified from the information you provide. The survey contains questions such as your occupation, education, age, the length of time, and reason for deciding to live in the Caribbean and so on. The survey questionnaire should take approximately 20 minutes of your time.
Have a look at the survey at the following URL: http://www.geog.queensu.ca/Mullings/survey.asp
Please also share this notice with other Canadians in the Caribbean that you may know.
Thank you
Beverley Mullings (Dr.)
I am a professor of geography at Queens University in Canada and I am writing to invite any Canadians in this forum to participate in a study that I am currently conducting on the contribution of Canadians to the changing economies and societies of the Caribbean. I am particularly interested in knowing more about the size and composition of the Canadian community in the Caribbean, the social and economic networks that Canadians have developed in the Caribbean region and the challenges and opportunities that life in the Caribbean presents.
All information that you share with me will be confidential and only accessible to the research team here at Queens University. Participants who complete surveys will be automatically assigned an internal number. You will not be able to be identified from the information you provide. The survey contains questions such as your occupation, education, age, the length of time, and reason for deciding to live in the Caribbean and so on. The survey questionnaire should take approximately 20 minutes of your time.
Have a look at the survey at the following URL: http://www.geog.queensu.ca/Mullings/survey.asp
Please also share this notice with other Canadians in the Caribbean that you may know.
Thank you
Beverley Mullings (Dr.)