Hello, I'm originally from the [2-dimensional/shallow]EU & American lifestyle, came here to re-establish peace in my life by doing volunteer work. I found it so absurdly expensive I had to take a full-time job to be able to stay here. After being here 8 mo. I'm sorry to say that I fail to see much peace and harmony in many communities and I'm constantly looking over my back re: thugs even in nicer areas. Plus, the criminal demeanor in traffic (especially along E. Main Rd) has NOT made think of kind things - worse than what I was trying to get away from elsewhere. I had my work truck hit 3 times just because [I] was the one driving normal & civilised.
Are there any other middle-class EU or American expats here who are generally joyful here or is what I described the norm here (a desparate criminal environment/a genuine prison population without the prison walls)? My God, what happened to beautiful & kind Trinidad. I feel sorry for all the wonderful natives who now have to endure the current anarchist environment.
Also, I lost a good job here due to someone stealing from and vandalising my work truck, and cannot get another job now due to the new 'work permit' nonsense. I cannot wait 18 months for a work permit unless it is a worthwhile wait. Does anyone know any Air Conditioning, Electrical (or other Engineering related companies) I might talk to? Or does anyone know of any other opportunity requiring a responsible & considerate person?
Hanging out with the (very) few peaceful Christian locals that I know here has put a little peace back into my heart and I don't necessarily want to leave here yet - until I'm filled with a little more peace before I go.
I would greatly appreciate any thoughtful replies - but please do NOT reply with ANY type of sales pitch for any services or pyramid schemes of any kind.
Thank you, Tony
Are there any other middle-class EU or American expats here who are generally joyful here or is what I described the norm here (a desparate criminal environment/a genuine prison population without the prison walls)? My God, what happened to beautiful & kind Trinidad. I feel sorry for all the wonderful natives who now have to endure the current anarchist environment.
Also, I lost a good job here due to someone stealing from and vandalising my work truck, and cannot get another job now due to the new 'work permit' nonsense. I cannot wait 18 months for a work permit unless it is a worthwhile wait. Does anyone know any Air Conditioning, Electrical (or other Engineering related companies) I might talk to? Or does anyone know of any other opportunity requiring a responsible & considerate person?
Hanging out with the (very) few peaceful Christian locals that I know here has put a little peace back into my heart and I don't necessarily want to leave here yet - until I'm filled with a little more peace before I go.
I would greatly appreciate any thoughtful replies - but please do NOT reply with ANY type of sales pitch for any services or pyramid schemes of any kind.
Thank you, Tony