For the record, Ken, I like it in Odessa. My vignettes were an attempt to describe for those that don't live here, what I see on the street, not what you read in Interfax Ukraine. Yes, I will be returning to the US in May, but what you didn't hear was that I will have a return ticket for September. If I could find the quality of fishing here that I find in Idaho in the summer, I would have no reason to leave. I have more friends here than I do in the US and my cost of living for food, rent and utilities is only $500/month. I spend that much each month in the US just for gas for my fishing trips!
The one perspective about Ukraine that most of you have, that I do not, is the wonderful privilege of being married to a Ukrainian woman. That hasn't happened yet, despite my best efforts. But my glass is half full, and I still have hope for the future!
The one perspective about Ukraine that most of you have, that I do not, is the wonderful privilege of being married to a Ukrainian woman. That hasn't happened yet, despite my best efforts. But my glass is half full, and I still have hope for the future!