Hello Tex-- another Texan . I have forgotten your status, as I read so many posts on here. However, Sugarland Texas-- It was just pasture when I moved to Houston-- a prison, and a sugar mill. Now-- a small metropolis. Your move to Ukraine is coming, I see. So many things to think about. If you have a steady incoming salary of 500-600 dollars per month, and a place to place your head (home) or apt, you can live pretty good in smaller cities. In large cities, Kiev, Odessa, Lviv, etc costs are more. Living in smaller villages might cramp an Americans style some--- Kinda like Donald Trump moving into the white house! Roads are atrocious, winters CAN be very bad, shopping in many places is much different than here. I see you have been there to Kharkiv twice, so you are familiar. If you will be buying land, or a residence in Ukraine totaling 100,000. dollars or more, you can qualify for a permanent residence card. The other way is to be married to an Ukrainian lady for two years prior to filing for residence. I personally have learned that old lesson that my children don't want to dance to my "music" anymore--they have grown up, Visits are few and far between. I say that what you give up here in USA, you will more than make-up for in Ukraine. I LOVE the people-- once they are your friend, they will be forever. My wife's family has accepted me there with NO reservations. Go for it,a new un adulterated life is waiting for you. Some on this forum want to move there, but most likely never will. Don't hesitate-- I too will have this house on the market soon, hope to be back home in Ukraine in May. If I can help in any way-- just contact me Kherson Bill