I am living here - Abu Dhabi - for the past 6 months. its quite getting .. specially that I started my MBA now in Knowledge Village-Dubai.
What am noticing here is that I am ending up in a MALE community. Female are really not part of it? I managed to have few friends, but guess what? they are all males!
Is there are any females welling to become a friend of someone who is fed-up with only hangging out with male friends only..
Whats amazing me is the attitude of females here, and this do not exclude western females -who spent sometime here- ! some are after games and someothers are after one night fun...etc.
Is there a NORMAL DOWN to EARTH females here.
This is not a call for an Instinct relation please.
The Eminent
[email protected]
[email protected]
I am living here - Abu Dhabi - for the past 6 months. its quite getting .. specially that I started my MBA now in Knowledge Village-Dubai.
What am noticing here is that I am ending up in a MALE community. Female are really not part of it? I managed to have few friends, but guess what? they are all males!
Is there are any females welling to become a friend of someone who is fed-up with only hangging out with male friends only..
Whats amazing me is the attitude of females here, and this do not exclude western females -who spent sometime here- ! some are after games and someothers are after one night fun...etc.
Is there a NORMAL DOWN to EARTH females here.
This is not a call for an Instinct relation please.
The Eminent
[email protected]
[email protected]