Hello! We will probably be moving to Abu Dhabi and I have some concerns regarding our eldest child. He has just turned 12 and does not speak much english (only the basics they are taught in school here in Sweden) and the swedish schoolsystem is a bit different to the british or american with a lot less tests/exams. I am sure our younger children will adapt without any great problems. When I have been reading about the different schools I see that you need to speak english well in order to get admitted? Is that so? Or does anyone of you know of any children of his age who managed to get admitted and how did they manage with the language?
He is also a competitive swimmer (practise 5 times/week for 2 hours) and would of course want to continue that. I haven't managed to find any information about teams or coaches.
There are so many thngs to think about but reading here I get a lot of questions answered. How did people manage before internet?
He is also a competitive swimmer (practise 5 times/week for 2 hours) and would of course want to continue that. I haven't managed to find any information about teams or coaches.
There are so many thngs to think about but reading here I get a lot of questions answered. How did people manage before internet?