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Lost in London

22 years ago
Hello All. Just thought I would fire a comment/question/situation out to everyone to see if anyone else is in my position or has any comments...

I am an American Citizen who was moved to the UK by my previous employer to work in the UK Branch of the company. Shortly after my arrival, I was made redundant by the company as it went bankrupt (Yes - a telecoms company). This was early last year.

Initially after the redundancy I did speak to the Home Office, Immigration and others, to find out if I could stay, for how long and to see if I could be re-employed by someone else, but they didn't quite know what to do with me. I got conflicting answers, if any answer at all. I have given up on finding out from them, although I have noticed that my work permit does state that I can not be employed by any other company.

My passport is stamped allowing valid entry until mid-2006. I have already left and returned several times. No problem at the boarder - sometimes they dont ask anything, sometimes they ask if I am still working for the same employer (I say "Sure").

I do have a National Insurance number, and I did pay tax here in the UK last year. I have a bank account, a drivers license and an ISA account. In fact I have recently registered my own Ltd. company. (although I can not apply for a work permit for myself - Ive tried).

I have tried to follow the rules, but this telecom slump is killing me and without an income in the last year, I cant play by the rules much longer....I have more recently started to apply for jobs while stating that I DO have the right to work here. I am thinking that with a NI number (and proof of previous employment - P45, P60) I should be able to be employed without raising any eyebrows from the Govt.

Any thoughts???



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