I just found this site and first a big thanks to all past posters - I've learned quite a bit. I'm investigating the possibility of a move to London from NYC. I understand the work permit/visa requirements. I am also well aware that salaries are generally a lot less in the U.K. and the cost of living is more. The present exchange rate of $1.85US to the Pound, is not in my favor.
I make a good living and draw a salary in the $125K range. The company I may work for is much smaller and I know would paymuch less. Fine - I'm not contemplating this move/experience for the money. That being said, if they offer me a job for a significant change, let's say for this discussion $85K US , then I have some serious questions:
1. Can I live in London? I presently pay $1700/month for a tiny apartment (gotta love NYC) - it appears that I can find a flat in a nice area in the 250 Pounds/week range.
2. The tax issue I'm completely confused on - would I pay U.S. taxes and no U.K. taxes? Is it the opther way around? Is it a combo? Are there any benefits for me in this department?
3. Am I nuts for even contemplating a move like this for that big of a potential income change?
4. I have been to London about 12 times - mostly for business but i have spent a good deal of time "on my own" not on the corporate expense account.
I make a good living and draw a salary in the $125K range. The company I may work for is much smaller and I know would paymuch less. Fine - I'm not contemplating this move/experience for the money. That being said, if they offer me a job for a significant change, let's say for this discussion $85K US , then I have some serious questions:
1. Can I live in London? I presently pay $1700/month for a tiny apartment (gotta love NYC) - it appears that I can find a flat in a nice area in the 250 Pounds/week range.
2. The tax issue I'm completely confused on - would I pay U.S. taxes and no U.K. taxes? Is it the opther way around? Is it a combo? Are there any benefits for me in this department?
3. Am I nuts for even contemplating a move like this for that big of a potential income change?
4. I have been to London about 12 times - mostly for business but i have spent a good deal of time "on my own" not on the corporate expense account.