dear people,
I am 14 years old. my parents decided to come to this god foresaken place last year. they were exactly like lik all of you. ignorant, going by the books without trusting their gut instinct. we moved from a charming small town in california, close to nature, where I had two good friends. we left. we came to london, of all places. IT HAS BEEN ONE AND A HALF YEARS, AND I'M STILL MISERABE. I hate cities, I hate the school, I hate people, I hate my f*cking life. 120mg of prozack dosen't help. now that were here, my dad hates his job and my mom's mom is very ill, and the novelty wore off faster than you would ever think. it is sick what you do, asking the kids if they want to go, but their opinion, even if an unanymous NO has no weight at all in your decision. I hate you. you may think that your family is differant, ut no we are exactly the same. well off middle class, happy, get along well together, a very typical family. we left it all. I am trying to save your kids from going through this hell. I have so far attempted sucide twice. the first time I threw up all the pills, the second time...I still have deep white scars on my wrists. we have not even gone half way through our required time here, and I wan this hell to end. my parents said this would be an "eye opening experience".......well it turns out to be a life ending experience, and this time, I will not chicken out. do not make your kids go through this, please. please. please. if you go, you will regret it forever. good bye.
I am 14 years old. my parents decided to come to this god foresaken place last year. they were exactly like lik all of you. ignorant, going by the books without trusting their gut instinct. we moved from a charming small town in california, close to nature, where I had two good friends. we left. we came to london, of all places. IT HAS BEEN ONE AND A HALF YEARS, AND I'M STILL MISERABE. I hate cities, I hate the school, I hate people, I hate my f*cking life. 120mg of prozack dosen't help. now that were here, my dad hates his job and my mom's mom is very ill, and the novelty wore off faster than you would ever think. it is sick what you do, asking the kids if they want to go, but their opinion, even if an unanymous NO has no weight at all in your decision. I hate you. you may think that your family is differant, ut no we are exactly the same. well off middle class, happy, get along well together, a very typical family. we left it all. I am trying to save your kids from going through this hell. I have so far attempted sucide twice. the first time I threw up all the pills, the second time...I still have deep white scars on my wrists. we have not even gone half way through our required time here, and I wan this hell to end. my parents said this would be an "eye opening experience".......well it turns out to be a life ending experience, and this time, I will not chicken out. do not make your kids go through this, please. please. please. if you go, you will regret it forever. good bye.