Hello and thank you for reading my post!!
I am eager to transfer with my current company's NYC office to a similar position in our London office.
I currently make the following salary in NYC:
$80K USD base salary
$55K USD bonus (guaranteed)
= $135 USD total package
My offer to relocate to London is as follows:
L$50K GB base salary
L$35K GB bonus (guaranteed)
= L$85K GB total package
I will have no regular housing compensation with the exception of one month in corporate housing and I will be allowed approximately $5K USD to move my belongings - not much - just clothes.
My employer is trying to tell me that this is a livable salary in London.
I am getting mixed messages and would appreciate any help you can give me.. I have a comfortable standard of living in NYC - eat out often, take cabs, etc. I was aware of the fact that my transfer may cut my comp somewhat - but I was not expecting a 30% cut.
- Am I being ripped off?
- What kind of standard of living will this 50K base plus 35K bonus provide me?
- I have heard that expats get decent tax breaks when working in the UK, is this true?
- How do you suggest I proceed with this situation?
- Will this pay force me to live on a strict budget?
Thank you in advance for helping me out. It is so uncomfortable talking to friends about salary - and my only gauge in London is an investment banker who probably makes three times my salary..
I am eager to transfer with my current company's NYC office to a similar position in our London office.
I currently make the following salary in NYC:
$80K USD base salary
$55K USD bonus (guaranteed)
= $135 USD total package
My offer to relocate to London is as follows:
L$50K GB base salary
L$35K GB bonus (guaranteed)
= L$85K GB total package
I will have no regular housing compensation with the exception of one month in corporate housing and I will be allowed approximately $5K USD to move my belongings - not much - just clothes.
My employer is trying to tell me that this is a livable salary in London.
I am getting mixed messages and would appreciate any help you can give me.. I have a comfortable standard of living in NYC - eat out often, take cabs, etc. I was aware of the fact that my transfer may cut my comp somewhat - but I was not expecting a 30% cut.
- Am I being ripped off?
- What kind of standard of living will this 50K base plus 35K bonus provide me?
- I have heard that expats get decent tax breaks when working in the UK, is this true?
- How do you suggest I proceed with this situation?
- Will this pay force me to live on a strict budget?
Thank you in advance for helping me out. It is so uncomfortable talking to friends about salary - and my only gauge in London is an investment banker who probably makes three times my salary..