Hello, we've been reading the threads on this site (UK particular) for over a month now. We have been offered a job and the company believes they want to place us in London. We have a small dog (Jack Russell terrier- 17lbs) and no children. The company is working with their legal dpt. putting together a package for us. This will be their first jaunt into the international realm and they are admit that it will be successful. We have very few contacts in London so we've turned to you for help. We believe we have caught most of the expenses we should be requesting to be included in the package but would like to see if we have missed something.
1) Salary - no worries here.
2) COLA - looking for %100
3) 10% exchange rate parity insurance
4) Housing package - requesting %100
5) Utilities
5a) Gas (35/month)
5b) Electric (60/month)
5c) Water / sewer ($)
5d) Garbage ($)
6) Expenses general:
6a) Dry Cleaning (135 / month)
6b) Tesco grocery delivery (235/month?)
6c) British telecom broadband cable (135/month)
6d) T.V. License (11 / month?)
6e) Satellite (not sure if this is TV or something else)
7) Taxes
7a) Council tax
8) Transportation allowance
9) Visas / Work Permits
10) Vacation days
10a) 2 paid home leave visits (for 2) per year, including Air fare and 1 week per visit.
10b) Paid Time Off (30 days)
11) Experience bonus 10% per assignment year completed
12) Relocation package
12a) temporary housing (1 month)
12b) Relocation agent expenses
12c) Relocation Consultant
12d) Relocation bonus
12e) Shipment costs (personal artifacts)
13) Repatriation expense package
13a) Shipment costs (personal artifacts)
13b) Repatriation bonus
The company is initially interested in the UK. They foresee my responsibilities growing to include mainland E.U. as well in the near future. I have looked at a little town called Pas de Calais (1st stop on mainland side of Chunnel train). The housing seems to be much more reasonable and the one hour commute would be covered by the company... any input would be great. If anyone would like to offer a personal e-mail for us to continue to communicate as we move forward that would be wonderful.
Thank you all so much for your advice!
B & A
1) Salary - no worries here.
2) COLA - looking for %100
3) 10% exchange rate parity insurance
4) Housing package - requesting %100
5) Utilities
5a) Gas (35/month)
5b) Electric (60/month)
5c) Water / sewer ($)
5d) Garbage ($)
6) Expenses general:
6a) Dry Cleaning (135 / month)
6b) Tesco grocery delivery (235/month?)
6c) British telecom broadband cable (135/month)
6d) T.V. License (11 / month?)
6e) Satellite (not sure if this is TV or something else)
7) Taxes
7a) Council tax
8) Transportation allowance
9) Visas / Work Permits
10) Vacation days
10a) 2 paid home leave visits (for 2) per year, including Air fare and 1 week per visit.
10b) Paid Time Off (30 days)
11) Experience bonus 10% per assignment year completed
12) Relocation package
12a) temporary housing (1 month)
12b) Relocation agent expenses
12c) Relocation Consultant
12d) Relocation bonus
12e) Shipment costs (personal artifacts)
13) Repatriation expense package
13a) Shipment costs (personal artifacts)
13b) Repatriation bonus
The company is initially interested in the UK. They foresee my responsibilities growing to include mainland E.U. as well in the near future. I have looked at a little town called Pas de Calais (1st stop on mainland side of Chunnel train). The housing seems to be much more reasonable and the one hour commute would be covered by the company... any input would be great. If anyone would like to offer a personal e-mail for us to continue to communicate as we move forward that would be wonderful.
Thank you all so much for your advice!
B & A