Ok, so I have done my best to do my homework before posting - would really appreciate some advice however. Long story short: I am from New Zealand; went to the UK on the Youth Mobility Visa; met an English man; visa expired; moved to Canada together on Canadian Working Holiday Visa; wish to return to the UK with now English man soon to be husband. However... it appears I cannot apply for the spouse visa from Canada as I am a temporary resident, likewise if I was to return to the UK on a visitor visa. Options: Return to NZ to apply for spousal visa, (costly); or, postpone marriage and apply for fiancee visa, then get married in the UK, (which means I cannot work in the UK for some time while visa is processing)... Anyone see potental grey areas/loopholes that would allow me to return to the UK in a relationship and be able to get a job without having to travel home?