If you are an American living abroad, and you have foreign bank or investment accounts with a combined balance greater than USD $10,000, the American IRS is after YOUR money! The Foreign Asset Tax Compliance Act requires US citizens to file FinCen Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (“FBAR”) to report these accounts.
Did you know…
Failure to timely and properly file an FBAR may expose a taxpayer to a civil penalty of up to USD $10,000. In addition, willful violations may be subject to criminal penalties.
Learn how to get compliant on the FBAR, as well as receive general expatriate tax information. ABBM Group, US Accountants invite you to attend one of three FREE seminars in the UK:
17 June –6:00 PM
Oxford Hotel
Godstow Rd OX2 8AL
18 June—5:30 PM
IoD Club
116 Pall Mall SW1Y 5ED
19 June –6:00 PM
Holiday Inn
Egerton Road GU2 7XZ
To register for a seminar, email [email protected].
Not in the UK? That’s ok! Email or call us, 1-713-552-9800, today and we can help you get compliant.
Did you know…
Failure to timely and properly file an FBAR may expose a taxpayer to a civil penalty of up to USD $10,000. In addition, willful violations may be subject to criminal penalties.
Learn how to get compliant on the FBAR, as well as receive general expatriate tax information. ABBM Group, US Accountants invite you to attend one of three FREE seminars in the UK:
17 June –6:00 PM
Oxford Hotel
Godstow Rd OX2 8AL
18 June—5:30 PM
IoD Club
116 Pall Mall SW1Y 5ED
19 June –6:00 PM
Holiday Inn
Egerton Road GU2 7XZ
To register for a seminar, email [email protected].
Not in the UK? That’s ok! Email or call us, 1-713-552-9800, today and we can help you get compliant.