Hello! I will visit Vietnam in june 2002. This is my personal trip to Vietnam but if I get the job I intend to stay. I am IT student, computer and science school. I am also a web designer, i maintain 5 websites and i have telecommuncations online business that brings me good money. I speak English. I am specialeized in internet marketing, web site desing, promotion,Searc hengines etc. But of course I know how to program in c++. Also I can do all kind of system work with computers. I of course master Windows,word,excel etc and all others program.
The only problem is that i didnt graduate yet BUT if i get chance to stay in VN i wil lstay before i graduate(if i stay then maybe i will never graduate). I need about 1 or 2 years to graduate . I dont want to wait so long and want to work in Saigon sooner.
Is there any chance that you get work by how good you are and not based on degree? I can work for free first month or so to proove myself . I hav all the knowledge but idont have a degree. I am prepared to work for smaller salary, i need jsut to cover my expenses and few extra dollars.
Do i have nay chance to find computer related work in VN? I have read that VN needs a lot of IT experts. I would be most happy to work as website marketer,promotion,design and do all other work what they need. Also i have several American contacts through my online business (telecommuncations site SaveMyBills.com and LDSearch.com two of sites that I entirelly operate alone) and telecommunications. I have 10 years of experience with computers and 5 years with internet desing and marketing.
Again, I am prepared to work for less money becasue I really want to work and relocate to Saigon if posssible.
Any chances for me to get some kind of job in Saigon based on what I know and wrote above? I know of course a lot more that I wrote there. Does vietnam need IT experts?
Yes, one more thing - I can of course finish my specialisation in VN if posssible- I can pay all my exams and study IF I can get some job.
The only problem is that i didnt graduate yet BUT if i get chance to stay in VN i wil lstay before i graduate(if i stay then maybe i will never graduate). I need about 1 or 2 years to graduate . I dont want to wait so long and want to work in Saigon sooner.
Is there any chance that you get work by how good you are and not based on degree? I can work for free first month or so to proove myself . I hav all the knowledge but idont have a degree. I am prepared to work for smaller salary, i need jsut to cover my expenses and few extra dollars.
Do i have nay chance to find computer related work in VN? I have read that VN needs a lot of IT experts. I would be most happy to work as website marketer,promotion,design and do all other work what they need. Also i have several American contacts through my online business (telecommuncations site SaveMyBills.com and LDSearch.com two of sites that I entirelly operate alone) and telecommunications. I have 10 years of experience with computers and 5 years with internet desing and marketing.
Again, I am prepared to work for less money becasue I really want to work and relocate to Saigon if posssible.
Any chances for me to get some kind of job in Saigon based on what I know and wrote above? I know of course a lot more that I wrote there. Does vietnam need IT experts?
Yes, one more thing - I can of course finish my specialisation in VN if posssible- I can pay all my exams and study IF I can get some job.