October 30, 2003
My name is Diane Schutz, and I work for a show for the National Geographic Channel called WORLDS APART. We're looking for someone to do some quick location scouting in the Mekong Delta area. Probably about a week of work, not a huge budget, but we need someone who knows the area, thinks on their feet, and has a good sensibility for story.
We had a scout lined up, but they may be falling through. Puts us
dreadfully behind schedule. Does this sound like something you could be interested in and have time to do in the next week? Write me at the address below. Meanwhile you can go to this link to see a description of our show:
We'd be looking to find a traditionally living family deep in the Delta who
speaks some English to host an American family for two weeks.
Diane Schutz
[email protected]
+ 1 212 627 6053 x221
National Geographic WORLDS APART
True Entertainment
435 West 19th St.
New York, NY 10011 USA
My name is Diane Schutz, and I work for a show for the National Geographic Channel called WORLDS APART. We're looking for someone to do some quick location scouting in the Mekong Delta area. Probably about a week of work, not a huge budget, but we need someone who knows the area, thinks on their feet, and has a good sensibility for story.
We had a scout lined up, but they may be falling through. Puts us
dreadfully behind schedule. Does this sound like something you could be interested in and have time to do in the next week? Write me at the address below. Meanwhile you can go to this link to see a description of our show:
We'd be looking to find a traditionally living family deep in the Delta who
speaks some English to host an American family for two weeks.
Diane Schutz
[email protected]
+ 1 212 627 6053 x221
National Geographic WORLDS APART
True Entertainment
435 West 19th St.
New York, NY 10011 USA