A little history here. I cam to Vietnam in February for 3 weeks to check it out before I moved here. I had just started my TEFL course at the time. While I was here I was offered 2 jobs teaching English but had to decline as I was not able to stay at that time. This made me feel getting a job would not be to difficult. I have been here now for over a month and have only received 1 interview. Most applications I send respond with no experience...... I have no experience teaching and I also have no degree. Getting a work permit is not hard for me, lets just say my brother in-law has connections. Can anyone give me some advice on where to look at this point I would take about anything, I need to start making money. Is there anything I can do besides teach English? I do not know the language here. My only real experience is 25 years for Toyota as a tech and building very high end gaming computers back home.