There are quite a few differences now and before.
You had been able to buy apartments for quite a few years, but owning properties by a foreigner in Vietnam is a complicated matter. A foreigner could not buy house in Vietnam, so the only way was to buy it under someone's name.
Now, the new laws on July 1st 2015 will now allow you to buy land, houses and apartments in your own name as long as you have a valid visa. Before you were not allowed to own more than one or rent it out, the new laws allow you to use it as an investment and you can buy multiple properties as long as it doesn’t exceed the percentage rates set by the government.
I strongly advise you to consult a reputable agency for advice.
Contact me to more detail:
[email protected] or 09 099 75 800?
You had been able to buy apartments for quite a few years, but owning properties by a foreigner in Vietnam is a complicated matter. A foreigner could not buy house in Vietnam, so the only way was to buy it under someone's name.
Now, the new laws on July 1st 2015 will now allow you to buy land, houses and apartments in your own name as long as you have a valid visa. Before you were not allowed to own more than one or rent it out, the new laws allow you to use it as an investment and you can buy multiple properties as long as it doesn’t exceed the percentage rates set by the government.
I strongly advise you to consult a reputable agency for advice.
Contact me to more detail:
[email protected] or 09 099 75 800?