I have been raiding trees along the street for the stinky noni fruit of miracles.i get enough to have almost daily drinks of juice,but i have gotten almost all the trees nearby...once i saw a whole basket selling in the market in jinotega and i declined purchase because i had not much cash or the way to haul it home or prepare to ferment and juice it.....I never saw it available again since 7 months ago...a lady at the market told me that the rare basket of noni came from MASAYA...I live in managua now and enjoy the accsess to noni here,BUT MY QUESTION STANDS:::IS THERE A MARKET IN MASAYA THAT SELLS NONI BY THE BASKET FULL..THE COMMON NICA MARKET BASKETS THAT CAN HOLD ALMOST HALF A BATHTUB OF FRUITS AND VEGGIES????CAN ANYONE CONFIRM IF ITS WORTH THE TRIP TO MASAYA JUST FOR NONI???? LOCALS DONT SEEM TO CARE FOR IT AND DONT KNOW WHERE I CAN BUY IT...i TELL THE LOCAL STREET HAWKER AT MY DOOR TO BRING NONI AND THEN I WILL BUY SOMETHING FROM HIM,BUT HE NEVER SHOWED UP AS PROMISED (I HOPE HIS MOTHER DIDNT KICK HIM OUT OF HOME FOR BRINGING THE STINKY FRUIT HOME FOR ME)