If you are coming to Nicaragua and are gringo or European, you have a target on your back that says pick me. They will be coming for your money.
Nicaragua is a pretty country? Yes it is . However it is also a filthy country that needs to be cleaned up. They are making some attempt.
Are the people in Nicaragua very nice? Yes, until they run out of use for you. Anything you do in Nicaragua, have written contract. Trust no one. I do trust Nicaragua people more than I trust North Americans of Europeans. Not because they may not have much money and bad attitudes but because they are bad folks. Some people advocate on here that it is ok to steal because you are poor or police corruption is ok because they are paid poorly. 100% of the expats I know that drive have been hit on by the police for bribes. Not because they did something wrong but because they were expats and an easy mark. Not just a few rogue cops as someone stated.
I also gather from statements on this site that if you are poor and move to Nicaragua you are of poor or bad character and have bad attitudes. This is the biggest crock I have ever heard. I can probably buy and sell the person( may not take that much) that made this statement but I have a very bad attitude when it comes to getting jacked around or someone trying to feed people a bunch of BS. I am not aware of this automatic protection shield that exist in the United States. I had a successful business for many years and the only automatic protection I had was to work your butt off to keep it that way. Nicaragua is definitely a land of opportunity. Getting incorporated is the easy part. You need to consider in your estimate of what it is going to take to get up and going all the delays, bribes to be paid to eliminate these delays, bribes to inspectors to get license approved and definitely learn the labor laws buy heart. Because these friendly Nicaragua workers will take you to the cleaners if you don't. Don't feel sorry for the employees because you are not paying them more than required by law. I tried this! They will steal the difference and make it up whether you pay them more or not. "give them a hand and they will chew it off to the shoulder"
Much crime is not reported here. If you do have a problem, insist that the police make out a written report and you get a copy. I feel very safe here. I legally carry a 9 MM with me everyplace I go. So does my wife.
Nicaragua is a good place to live and do business. I have done very well here. Not without problems.The fact is, if you are going to live in a country it is best to know the whole truth about it. Nicaragua is not everything you see in a tour guide. I live here because I chose to do so. I have the money to live anywhere I choose. I have lived and worked all over the world and there are some much worse than Nicaragua. The more informed you are the better off you will be. There are a lot of things that go on here that you can't learn on www.com The statement was made on here by the resident tour guide and analyst that if you are of faint of heart then maybe you can't make it here just because a person ask about the crime rate here. More BS.
It takes no one or nothing special to live in Nicaragua. It is up to every person to make the call where they want to live. I or nobody else can do that for you. If you want to live in Nicaragua, you can make it.
Nicaragua is a pretty country? Yes it is . However it is also a filthy country that needs to be cleaned up. They are making some attempt.
Are the people in Nicaragua very nice? Yes, until they run out of use for you. Anything you do in Nicaragua, have written contract. Trust no one. I do trust Nicaragua people more than I trust North Americans of Europeans. Not because they may not have much money and bad attitudes but because they are bad folks. Some people advocate on here that it is ok to steal because you are poor or police corruption is ok because they are paid poorly. 100% of the expats I know that drive have been hit on by the police for bribes. Not because they did something wrong but because they were expats and an easy mark. Not just a few rogue cops as someone stated.
I also gather from statements on this site that if you are poor and move to Nicaragua you are of poor or bad character and have bad attitudes. This is the biggest crock I have ever heard. I can probably buy and sell the person( may not take that much) that made this statement but I have a very bad attitude when it comes to getting jacked around or someone trying to feed people a bunch of BS. I am not aware of this automatic protection shield that exist in the United States. I had a successful business for many years and the only automatic protection I had was to work your butt off to keep it that way. Nicaragua is definitely a land of opportunity. Getting incorporated is the easy part. You need to consider in your estimate of what it is going to take to get up and going all the delays, bribes to be paid to eliminate these delays, bribes to inspectors to get license approved and definitely learn the labor laws buy heart. Because these friendly Nicaragua workers will take you to the cleaners if you don't. Don't feel sorry for the employees because you are not paying them more than required by law. I tried this! They will steal the difference and make it up whether you pay them more or not. "give them a hand and they will chew it off to the shoulder"
Much crime is not reported here. If you do have a problem, insist that the police make out a written report and you get a copy. I feel very safe here. I legally carry a 9 MM with me everyplace I go. So does my wife.
Nicaragua is a good place to live and do business. I have done very well here. Not without problems.The fact is, if you are going to live in a country it is best to know the whole truth about it. Nicaragua is not everything you see in a tour guide. I live here because I chose to do so. I have the money to live anywhere I choose. I have lived and worked all over the world and there are some much worse than Nicaragua. The more informed you are the better off you will be. There are a lot of things that go on here that you can't learn on www.com The statement was made on here by the resident tour guide and analyst that if you are of faint of heart then maybe you can't make it here just because a person ask about the crime rate here. More BS.
It takes no one or nothing special to live in Nicaragua. It is up to every person to make the call where they want to live. I or nobody else can do that for you. If you want to live in Nicaragua, you can make it.