My wife and I just returned from a visit to Nicaragua and stayed in Granada and Chinandega. We have family in Chinandega. I had a medical incident where I ate something for breakfast that didn't agree with me and ended up not eating or drinking all day and ended up fainting. A little trip to the hospital and medication for parasites and stomach upset and I was fine again.
My question is: Those of you who already live there, do you take any special precautions with food and drink? How safe is the food and drink in the restaurants and how safe is it when buying from the market or a street vendor?
Is it a matter of your body adjusting to whatever is in the food an drink in Nicaragua and you just put up with it until that stage is reached.
Any insight would be appreciated as we are looking to relocate next year.
Thank you.
My question is: Those of you who already live there, do you take any special precautions with food and drink? How safe is the food and drink in the restaurants and how safe is it when buying from the market or a street vendor?
Is it a matter of your body adjusting to whatever is in the food an drink in Nicaragua and you just put up with it until that stage is reached.
Any insight would be appreciated as we are looking to relocate next year.
Thank you.