Hi again,
I forgot to introduce myself properly in my first post, on this most helpful forum; '6months in 6 mths Out??'
My name is Goran Bockman, a Swede by birth, currently living in London UK. I'm a horse aficionado since my earliest childhood, and one of the strongest pulls for me to retire in Nicaragua is the chance to own horses (gaited) again.
I'm looking to rent, long term, a granja where I can keep a number of horses. My plan for the future is to open a riding school, on gaited horses, catering mainly to Usanos and European tourists or expats.
I've been training and competing on Icelandic (gaited of course) horses for the past 40+ yrs., and have also done many week end clinics for competition riders so I have the experience to back up the plan.
If anyone knows of a fair sized farm (app. 10 Hectares) for rent in, or around, Esteli or Leon or Granada, please drop me a line, either on this forum or on my EMA: [email protected]
Thanks in advance/ Goran
I forgot to introduce myself properly in my first post, on this most helpful forum; '6months in 6 mths Out??'
My name is Goran Bockman, a Swede by birth, currently living in London UK. I'm a horse aficionado since my earliest childhood, and one of the strongest pulls for me to retire in Nicaragua is the chance to own horses (gaited) again.
I'm looking to rent, long term, a granja where I can keep a number of horses. My plan for the future is to open a riding school, on gaited horses, catering mainly to Usanos and European tourists or expats.
I've been training and competing on Icelandic (gaited of course) horses for the past 40+ yrs., and have also done many week end clinics for competition riders so I have the experience to back up the plan.
If anyone knows of a fair sized farm (app. 10 Hectares) for rent in, or around, Esteli or Leon or Granada, please drop me a line, either on this forum or on my EMA: [email protected]
Thanks in advance/ Goran