I am looking for information on how to handle the situation I am about to be in. I have lived in Nicaragua for the past three years and own a Condo (Since 2012 ) in San Juan Del Sur and have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for over 3 years. I found out a few months ago she is pregnant with my child and decided to come back to the States to work so I can provide better life for my child. The baby will be born next month and my ideal dream would be to bring the baby and the Mother to the United States with me after the baby is born. I would like to try and get a Visa for the mother to come back with me to the States and not get Married, but I am weighing my options now. I know what I need to do after the baby is born to get her an American Passport and would like to have the baby and the Mother to accompany me in Virginia. Is this possible without getting married? I would appreciate if anyone knows how to handle this situation.
Thank you
Thank you