I am helping a 2 year old little girl who lives on Isla Zapatera and has a life threatening heart defect that has given her the "blue baby" syndrome. The best heart doctors in Leon and Managua have said they could not help her. Cheryl Spence, in Leon, is trying to arrange to get her flown to the USA to get the operation she needs. She has successfully done this for other Nica. children. Many sick children that she helps cannot travel without oxygen. I am asking if any of you have access to an oxygen concentrator either here or in the USA? If so, could you please send it to:
Amigos for Christ
1845 South Lee Court
Suite A Buford, GA 30518
Phone: 770 614-9250
Fax: 770 614-9850
[email protected]
They will get it here to Chinandega and I will deliver them to Cheryl Spence in Leon.
Thank you very much,
Tim Sewell
For information on me , go to : www.NuevaVidaNicaruagua.com
My email is [email protected]
For information of Cheryl Spence, go to: https://www.facebook.com/mcjnica
Amigos for Christ
1845 South Lee Court
Suite A Buford, GA 30518
Phone: 770 614-9250
Fax: 770 614-9850
[email protected]
They will get it here to Chinandega and I will deliver them to Cheryl Spence in Leon.
Thank you very much,
Tim Sewell
For information on me , go to : www.NuevaVidaNicaruagua.com
My email is [email protected]
For information of Cheryl Spence, go to: https://www.facebook.com/mcjnica