Need to know if Nicaragua has snow skiing. Also, we have sent $100k to an attorney in Managua as a retainer to take care of our residency and to purchase a house we saw on encuentra. 24. He speaks some English so we trust him. We will be driving down in a couple of weeks in our new Mercedes E-class convertible, and would like to know if buying gasoline is a problem or should be bring a can or two extra? We could pull a trailer if necessary, though it wouldn't look very good, if you know what I mean. We're so excited to live among the "Nicas". Neither of us speak Spanish but we have bought some tapes to listen to on the drive down. By the way, my husband has a blood condition and requires Soliris . Will we be able to buy this in Nicaragua? How much will it cost? Since Nicaragua is a hot country, summer attire is all that is required, correct? White is never out of fashion I imagine. Hope we can all get together soon!