Interesting yesterday (16-20 yr old) students were going down the streets painting blue and white on electric and lamp posts. (Unfortunately, they did not have much art education and did a very sloppy job) But it was okay. It is the colors of the Republic. No harm no foul. They were not angry or covering up Sandinista colors, which are few and far between. But did it without organization and permit. (I wonder who paid for the paint?) This is a sign of the 'edge of darkness' when you allow not fully educated people the right to act without permission. But as it is only just the colors of the Republic, no harm no foul. And they were all happy, not going nuts, not being 'political', just the city kids having a good time. (And in a rare moment, most actually stepped aside for me on the 'bump-of-a-side-walk', for this 'discapacidad' old man on his cane). I feel safe and happy here. I might even go buy a donut!'