Please help.
Below is a link to the text of a Croatian law from 2007 in the Croatian language titled "Zakon o dravnoj izmjeri i katastru nekretnina ("LAW ON STATE SURVEY AND THE REAL PROPERTY CADASTRE"):
[link under review]
I have two questions about the law:
1) Is this law from 2007 the most recent law governing "STATE SURVEY AND THE REAL PROPERTY CADASTRE"? If not, what is the current law?
2) ?lanak 58 (Article 58) in the law states the following:
U slu?aju spora oko me?a potrebno je me?e predhodno urediti u posebnome
Me?e ure?ene u posebnome postupku evidentiraju se u katastru zemljišta na temelju
geodetskog elaborata koji se izra?uje na trošak zainteresiranog nositelja prava na
English translation:
In case of boundary dispute, the boundaries need to be previously determined in a special
Boundaries determined in a special procedure are recorded in the Land Cadastre based on the
geodetic report created at the expense of the interested title holder.
What is the "posebnome postupku" (special procedure) talked about in ?lanak 58 (Article 58)? Is there a written description of the "posebnome postupku" (special procedure), and if so, how and where can I get a copy of it?
Thank you for you help with this.
-- Pet Bunari
Below is a link to the text of a Croatian law from 2007 in the Croatian language titled "Zakon o dravnoj izmjeri i katastru nekretnina ("LAW ON STATE SURVEY AND THE REAL PROPERTY CADASTRE"):
[link under review]
I have two questions about the law:
1) Is this law from 2007 the most recent law governing "STATE SURVEY AND THE REAL PROPERTY CADASTRE"? If not, what is the current law?
2) ?lanak 58 (Article 58) in the law states the following:
U slu?aju spora oko me?a potrebno je me?e predhodno urediti u posebnome
Me?e ure?ene u posebnome postupku evidentiraju se u katastru zemljišta na temelju
geodetskog elaborata koji se izra?uje na trošak zainteresiranog nositelja prava na
English translation:
In case of boundary dispute, the boundaries need to be previously determined in a special
Boundaries determined in a special procedure are recorded in the Land Cadastre based on the
geodetic report created at the expense of the interested title holder.
What is the "posebnome postupku" (special procedure) talked about in ?lanak 58 (Article 58)? Is there a written description of the "posebnome postupku" (special procedure), and if so, how and where can I get a copy of it?
Thank you for you help with this.
-- Pet Bunari