Volunteer needed to teach English 2 hours twice a week to Mynmar refugee migrant workers
6 months ago
DEAR Burma, an outstanding organization needs the an English teacher twice a week as follows: They recently had a volunteer teacher from the US who was scheduled to teach classes who let them down. They have already prepared, announced, and started accepting students for these classes, and now urgently need a new volunteer teacher.
Class Schedules:
Monday: 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Wednesday: 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Travelling allowance: 300 THB/class
(The classes are not bound to a specific curriculum or textbooks. The teacher has the freedom to create their own teaching content and plans)
Volunteers also needed with grant writing and admin skills.
The contact is Mr Aung Ko Ko. at Tel. 02-6566541 / 02-2164463. or email [email protected] or Mr. Myint Wai at this number: 081 357 7643.
Website for further information https://dearburma.com/
Class Schedules:
Monday: 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Wednesday: 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Travelling allowance: 300 THB/class
(The classes are not bound to a specific curriculum or textbooks. The teacher has the freedom to create their own teaching content and plans)
Volunteers also needed with grant writing and admin skills.
The contact is Mr Aung Ko Ko. at Tel. 02-6566541 / 02-2164463. or email [email protected] or Mr. Myint Wai at this number: 081 357 7643.
Website for further information https://dearburma.com/